
Showing posts from August, 2017


What is Phishing ? Phishing is a attempt to obtain sensitive data such as Usernames ,Passwords or any other details by creating a Fake page which exactly looks like original to trick any body to use that page to login in their account. Many times this trick works (for the people who don't) have knowledge about Phishing attacks ,etc) as it is most common and easy way to get sensitive data ( or say hacking ). But as we the world is changing Day by Day and the Advancements in the usage of Internet now any one can easily identify The Phishing Page and The Tech Giants are also working to avoid these king of attacks. Even if you use it on any online hosting they will ban you for abusing others. Now, getting to the Topic here are the steps. Create a Phishing Page. Sending this Phishing page to the victim . Collecting the Data on your hosting( online or offline). Creating the Phishing Page (for FACEBOOK) Open the FACEBOOK.COM in INCOGNITO Window. Then press ...

HACKING FACEBOOK (Different Ways).

This is the most asked Question Now a days on the Google or Bing ,Yahoo or any other search engine. Any one using Facebook Want's to see other's Facebook account To know what the others do  ,what they search and whom they talk too , their friends and their news feed or the personal information or the data they hide from getting public. And some one in  relationship want's to know that if his/her partner is cheating him/her .So they want's to know all about their partner. All of these kind of people instantly  search for HOW TO HACK FACEBOOK . Without knowing how these things works. If you want to hack the Database of Facebook it's nearly impossible as the Employee of Facebook are also not allowed to look at the users of Facebook .So at this Time no one can do it at this time maybe in future one can access Database of Facebook .But there is  a person who can do this all of you know him very well  MARK ZUCKERBERG . But without hacking their servers or ...


In this post ill add some of the viruses that will help you out for hacking other's PC's laptops etc' and for spoofing too. All these Virus will work only in windows operating system. There are 23 different kind of viruses listed below to download click on the link below that virus name to download that virus and you can  change the name and symbol so that the victim can't detect it's a virus.Edit some of that for better use . And don't open these in your computers IF ANY KIND OF LOSS HAPPENS I'AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT DO ALL THESE THINGS ON YOUR OWN RISK. *C O D E B O I This virus will DISABLE FIREWALL so that you can easily enter into the victims PC (Personal Computer). DF VIRUS (DOWNLOAD)   This virus will disable Antivirus of the victim's Computer so that other viruses can't be detected. DA VIRUS ( DOWNLOAD ) This will block Facebook in all browsers.  BFA VIRUS ( DOWNLOAD ) This will block Googl...


Performing DOS (Denial of services) Attack on any Website can lead to shutdown of website for a specific period of time. If we do many DOS attacks at the same time on the same target this thing is known as DDOS (Distributed Denial Of Service ) attack this can complete damage of the server or the database of any website . Recent example is on Twitter which lead's to complete shut down of the website for several hours.Which can lead to a great loss for Twitter . HOW TO PERFORM . Am using LOIC (Low Orbital Ion Cannon) which can be used in both Windows And Linux Systems I'am performing This DOS Attack from my Windows PC and you can also use Terminal(on Linux) too (in next post ill show you how to do that with Linux)  . ( DOWNLOAD LOIC ) Download the Zip and extract it. Then open LOIC . Then select the Target Website And copy it's URL . Paste it in the LOIC and then Press Lock on. Then Write the IP Shown below and P...


In the previous blog   HOW TO HACK WI-FI USING aircrack-ng  is one of the method to hack WI-FI password but it is too complex and you have to write codes to proceed the method which sometimes becomes a difficult task to do so this is another way ( The Graphical Method ).The easy method so have a look. Open the application bar and search for Fern WI-FI CRACKER Then open it. Then select the Interface Name From the column on the left of refresh button. After your device comes in Monitor Mode then press the button for the Scan Access Point . When scan access point is active then The WPA detection status will show available devices to be cracked. Click on that button as shown in the picture (says The WPA Detection status ). The  Attack Panel will open and will show various options .You now have to select he word list by pressing the button. A new window will open to select the word list. Now you have to s...


In all my previous blog's there is all information about the how to use KALI LINUX in virtual box or how to use it live using virtual box or using with a live bootable disk but that part is over now and after wards ill ony post about how to use KALI  LINUX  .In which ill cover all applications present in KALI  LINUX . In this blog we will talk about HOW TO HACK WI FI USING KALI  LINUX. There are many ways to hack WI-FI using KALI  LINUX like  Aircrack-ng , Reaver , Pixiewps , Wifite , Wireshark , oclHashcat , Fern Wifi Cracker ,  Wash , Crunch , Macchanger . In this blog ill show you To crack WI-fI Using Aircrack-ng . In KALI LINUX open Terminal. Then type airmon-ng in the Terminal and press Enter.And note the Interface name.  Then type airmon-ng start (Interface Name) and press Enter .  Now your monitor mode will enable now type airodump-ng (Interface Name) And then press Enter. As we...


Deep and Dark web is that part of the web we can't access with the normal browser .The Deep Web is also known as Hackers Place.  The Dark Web And The TOR Browser is made by American Army to privately talk to each other but now a days this service is used by everyone in the world termed as The Dark Web.  If you want to access Dark or the Deep Web you have to use a special browser made by the older version of Firefox which is termed as TOR ("The Onion Router" ) browser and and I2P ("Invisible Internet Project") . While Tor focuses on providing anonymous access to the Internet, I2P specializes on allowing anonymous hosting of websites. The browser we surf is only 10% of the whole World Wide Web (WWW)   and rest remaining is known as Deep Web which is 90% of the World Wide Web (WWW). The Deep Web and the Dark Web there are difference in these two the deep web is the data of the websites that we can't see For example :- We surf the website this can b...


This blog is all about How to hide your IP Address while surfing on internet . Hiding your IP means changing your current IP address with another IP address by this your own IP address is hidden . This is a very easy process using an V P N (Virtual Private Network ) service which create a tunnel between your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and the internet this thing protects you from any kind of surveillance or monitoring on you and makes a wall between them and you .And not allows your ISP to Trace what you do on internet.Or you Can Use TOR (more info in next blog). **  Benefits of using a V P N  If you want view something on internet that is not for your  country you can use a VPN service to access that thing. You can access blocked things (sometimes torrent sites and some social networking sites are blocked in some schools and colleges). You can hide your IP address in some way .       And many mor...